I have been watching Survival Russia for years, here is his take on whether Russia will invade the Ukraine.

I have been watching Survival Russia for years, here is his take on whether Russia will invade the Ukraine.
Rule #1: Cardio Rule #2: Double Tap Rule #3: Beware of Bathrooms Rule #4: Seatbelts Rule #5: No Attachments Rule #6: Cast Iron Skillet Rule #7: Travel Light Rule #8: Get a Kick-Ass Partner Rule #9: With Your Bare Hands Rule #10: Don’t Swing Low Rule #11: Use Your Feet Rule #12: Bounty Paper Towels … Continue reading Zombieland Rules and double tap commandments
Very interesting video from a Prepper over in the US, speaking some truth from personal situations during an aftermath of a hurricane.
Some simple tests you can do to see if you may have the coronavirus. Get a blood oxygen level monitor, they’re about £20 from amazon, and will show you your oxygen levels, if they start to drop below 90 then you may have a problem. There’s a simpler test, take a deep breath and hold … Continue reading simple home tests to see if you may have covid-19
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